Academia Aberta ao Vinho

Academia Aberta ao Vinho

October and November 2022, Porto, Portugal: participation in the event “Academy Open to Wine – AcademiaAberta ao Vinho, in Portuguese). Public event dedicated to port wine producers, with the communication“Synergistic use of aerial data of different resolutions to...
Congress Agrinov

Congress Agrinov

Congress Agrinov Béni-Mellal Morocco, October 27-30: Presentation of Kamal Aberkani on DATI and usingirrigation on melon crops
Summer Research Experience

Summer Research Experience

Summer Research Experience (July-August 2022) carried out at Geosystem Research Institute (GRI) – MississippiState University (MSU) – USA. During this period a research activity based on DATI experiment’s dataset wascarried out with post-doc student with the title...