Dissemination Activity
Dati 2023
January 11, 2023
DATI project in a couple of
Master/Diploma University classes and in sessions during the Science Week aimed at the general public. They could be cited as follows:
Peña, J.M. (2023). Drones and digitization for monitoring the water status of crops
(references to the DATI project). Guest lecture at the Own Master in Digital
Agriculture and Agri-food Innovation (4th Edition), Own Teaching of the University
of Seville, Seville (Spain), January 11, 2023.
January 11, 2023
DATI project in a couple of
Master/Diploma University classes and in sessions during the Science Week aimed at the general public. They could be cited as follows:
Peña, J.M. (2023). Drones and digitization for monitoring the water status of crops
(references to the DATI project). Guest lecture at the Own Master in Digital
Agriculture and Agri-food Innovation (4th Edition), Own Teaching of the University
of Seville, Seville (Spain), January 11, 2023.

Science Week
Guest lecture at the Own Master in Digital
Agriculture and Agri-food Innovation
January 25, 2023
Senior Researcher Alessandro Matese and Professor Kamal Aberkani at the10th International
Micro Irrigation Conference in Morocco discussing about DATI project and new agriculture technologies for irrigation
April 2023
MapxVigne development
A launch day was held in April at the Tavel vineyard to mark the start of experimentation on the MapX Vigne research project. The aim of this initiative is to deploy the ApeX Vigne application on several dozen plots in different terroirs in order to improve the management of water stress. With the participation of key players such as the IFV, the Syndicat des vignerons des côtes du Rhône and the Vaucluse Chamber of Agriculture, this day was of significant importance in disseminating the Apex monitoring method and the ApeX Vigne application to professionals in the field.
As part of the PRIMA-DATI project, which focuses on irrigation management for Mediterranean crops, the aim of the launch day was to disseminate the ApeX Vigne application to new players. Participants had the opportunity to discover the application’s functionalities and discuss its practical usefulness for irrigation management.
During the rest of the season, the group of users, experimenters and our development team met again to define the future functionalities of the web platform and prioritise future developments.
April 13, 2023
Peña, J.M. (2023). Precision agriculture and applications in Spain (references to the DATI project). Guest lecture at the Presentation Days of the Higher Diploma in AP, National University of Río Cuarto (Argentina),
2 – 6 July, 2023
The ECPA 2023 conference in Bologna, Italy, was an opportunity for Yulin Zhang to present his work and paper on new methodological approaches for carrying out geostatistical analyses with limited data. This work was carried out using water stress observation data collected by users of the Apex Vigne application. The results will not only enhance spatial analysis methods in agriculture, but will also provide more knowledge about Apex observations, enabling us to devise new spatial stress indicators.
14 and 16 November, 2023
Peña, J.M., et al. (2023). Drones and technology at the service of sustainable agriculture (references to the DATI project). Science Week, Madrid, November
28-30 November, 2023
At SITEVI 2023 in Montpellier, Léo Pichon presented the latest developments in the Apex application to wine industry professionals (winegrowers, advisers, sales representatives, etc.). These developments to the tool have been made possible by two projects, the DATI project and the MapX Vigne project. On this occasion, Léo presented the work being carried
out on the web platform, as well as the improvements being made to the prediction of the water status of vines based on Apex observations. Questions from the audience led to some interesting discussions, and we’re seeing more and more people wanting to use this application in other regions, such as Bordeaux, or at other times of the year.
The exhibition was also an opportunity to talk to professionals and various decision-makers about precision irrigation practices (elected representatives, water supply company managers, irrigation equipment distributors, etc.) and to have them fill in a questionnaire to identify the factors driving the adoption of these practices in a Mediterranean context.
30 November, 2023
Mobilab launch
As part of SITEVI 2023, the AgroTIC and Mas Numérique teams organised the inauguration of the Mobilab as a side-event on Thursday 30 November. But what is the Mobilab? The Mobilab is a truck equipped with sensors, tools, telecommunication networks, etc., to promote internet of things and self-construction among farmers and advisors. The Mobilab can be used in a variety of ways to meet different objectives. Regional stakeholders use it, for example, for educational initiatives targeting a wide audience, as well as for customised design of connected sensors and professional training. The Mobilab has been used to develop several sensors, including Pilowtech, which enables low-cost irrigation control using capacitive probes connected via a low-speed LoRaWAN network. In this way, the Mobilab is helping to offer solutions that can be adapted to the heterogeneous agricultural contexts to be found in the Mediterranean region, providing farmers with practical solutions for adapting their irrigation practices.
21 December 2023
Salvatore Filippo Di Gennaro – Ricercatore presso Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – IBE
(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per la BioEconomia)
Agricoltura Digitale: Ritorno al Futuro
Seconda puntata della quinta edizione di “Parla con me”
Simona Riccio, Agrifood; Organic Specialist, guiderà una conversazione illuminante sull’Agricoltura di Precisione, Industria 4.0, Digitalizzazione, Intelligenza Artificiale e Innovazione nel settore agroalimentare.
Visit of dissemination (France)
In 2023, many visits to the Mas Numérique took place. The Mas Numérique is a project that provides employees of a Mediterranean estate with digital tools to help them make agronomic decisions, optimise logistics and manage their teams. Visits are offered on a regular basis to enable outsiders to discover this ecosystem of solutions. Participants are shown the various tools, such as ApexVigne, that can be used to control water stress in vines. In 2023, more than 300 researchers, winegrowers, students, service providers and advisers visited the estate.