Academia Aberta ao Vinho

Academia Aberta ao Vinho

October and November 2022, Porto, Portugal: participation in the event “Academy Open to Wine – AcademiaAberta ao Vinho, in Portuguese). Public event dedicated to port wine producers, with the communication“Synergistic use of aerial data of different resolutions to...
Congress Agrinov

Congress Agrinov

Congress Agrinov Béni-Mellal Morocco, October 27-30: Presentation of Kamal Aberkani on DATI and usingirrigation on melon crops
Experimental season in Italy

Experimental season in Italy

In the Italian pilot site located in Alberese Terre Regionali Toscane (Tuscany), monitoring is being carried out on the performance of organic tomato and melon crops subjected to the trial on precision irrigation of the DATI project. The plants here are subjected to...