Digital Agriculture Technologies for Irrigation efficiency
DATI project
The DATI project is coordinated by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per la BioEconomia and financed with 1.5 million euros within the Euro-Mediterranean, Prima 2020 program.
The objective of the project is the development of new technological solutions in the field of digital agriculture through the use of drones, satellite images, agro-meteo stations that will allow water savings of 15-20% compared to the traditional irrigation system.
Partnership: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per la BioEconomia (Italy), Faculté Pluridisciplinaire de Nador – Université Mohammed Premier (Morocco), University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (Portugal), Spanish National Research Council – Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Spain), Institut Agro-Montpellier (France), Consorzio di Bonifica 6 Toscana Sud (Italy), Ente Terre Regionali Toscane (Italy)
Project information
Location: Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Morocco
Start date: July 2021
Duration: 36 months
Budget: 1.020.180 €
of water is due to agricultural
of the world’s population is considered «poor» in term of water
The main consumer of freshwater in the southern Mediterranean area
Today climate change already has a significant impact on
water resources
Pilot Demo Farms
The systems will be developed in pilot demo farms located in five representative Mediterranean countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, France and Morocco.
Each case study will implement different low-cost Technology Solution, called in the project as TECH SOLUTION for crop monitoring
Innovative low-cost technologies
Wireless Sensors Networks
For agrometeorological monitoring
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Coupled with different sensors
Free satellite imagery
Free data based on the area of interest
Irrigation Systems
Precise irrigation
Decision support systems
To solve problems and in decision-making
Web interfaces
Associated with data-driven soil and plant models
FIERAGRICOLA, Verona, March 2- 5 2022 - DATI PROJECT in Verona taking part in Fieragricola 2022.
The Second International Forum on Biosaline Agriculture
The Second International Forum on Biosaline Agriculture, Laayoune, Morocco–Mar 29 2022Presentation of Kamal Aberkani on DATI and using irrigation on melon and tomato crops https://www.um6p.ma/en/second-international-forum-biosaline-agriculture-lafoba2
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Bologna Award & Sustainability by CAAB
Bologna Award was set in October 2021 at the Palazzo D’Accursio in Bologna. Alessandro Matese, coordinator ofthe DATI project, received the Bologna Award 2021, which promotes sustainable development in agro-foodproduction and research activities in the DATI project...